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These are custom designed and 3D Printed replicas of the infamous Painted Ladies of Steiner Street in San Francisco California. They come fabricated in PLA Plastic with a white shell, copper door, gray base and are ready for your personalized touch of additional paint and weathering. No glue is required as all parts simply and easily snap into place.

STL files are provided to replicate six houses and a graded mounting base that preserves the slope of the San Francisco Street. A careful examination of the 6 painted ladies will reveal that there are 3 different elevations used. The first house has the staircase on the right side with an arched entrance. The other 5 houses have the stairs on the left side but 3 of the houses have arched entrances while the other two have square entrances. STL files are provided to successfully replicate all combinations. Further, STL files are provided with and without designed-in supports or you may simply use support settings in your slicer.

Google Street View:,-122.4329336,3a,83.3y,48.7h,93.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sklasy9pPmc74z2iFLu6oIA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

N Scale SF Painted Ladies Features

  • Individual House 1.5" L x 1.75" W x 3.5" H
  • Complete Model (6 houses & base) 10" L x 2.75" W x 4" H
  • Each house has 3 pieces (Shell, Roof, Garage Door)
  • The Base has 2 pieces




Rod and Tube Cutter


3D Printed Case